MMS Health for All Podcast

MMS Health for All Podcast

Nothing about us, without us!

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In this episode, Carine Weiss talks to the Head of Advocacy at CBM Switzerland, Mirjam Gasser, and Chris Heer, self-advocate on the rights of persons with disabilities and head of Equality and Social Policy from the organization of persons with disabilities AGILE.CH. They talk about what it means to live with a disability in Switzerland and about the historical background to the Swiss disability movement. We talk about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), what a human rights-based approach to disability means, and the implementation of the CRPD in and by Switzerland. Lastly, we discuss why equal participation is so essential for the inclusion of persons with disabilities and how this can and should look like both nationally and within Swiss international cooperation.


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About this podcast

The MMS “Health for All” podcast brings you stories of people who are fighting for gender equality, health for all and a world of justice and hope. It features strong-minded people who stand up for their beliefs and are seeking to make this world a better place, demonstrating how dedication can lead to “health for all”. The podcast is produced by Medicus Mundi Switzerland and is hosted by Carine Weiss.

by Carine Weiss, Medicus Mundi Switzerland


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