MMS Health for All Podcast

MMS Health for All Podcast

Homeless and mentally ill - there is a way out

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Homelessness is a big challenge in low-and middle-income countries and mental health conditions are highly prevalent in homeless populations. A significant number of homeless people have some sort of mental illness including sever mental health disorders. There is a considerable treatment and support gap for this marginalised population. The Banyan organisation with its treatment and care services are filling the gap in India for the most vulnerable population.

In this episode, Carine Weiss talks with Dr. Vandana Gopikumar about her passion and love to support the mentally ill homeless women and men and how she and her team are able to treat and heal patients so that they can go back and life a normal life again together with their families or in their community.


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About this podcast

The MMS “Health for All” podcast brings you stories of people who are fighting for gender equality, health for all and a world of justice and hope. It features strong-minded people who stand up for their beliefs and are seeking to make this world a better place, demonstrating how dedication can lead to “health for all”. The podcast is produced by Medicus Mundi Switzerland and is hosted by Carine Weiss.

by Carine Weiss, Medicus Mundi Switzerland


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